Welcome to AS and A2 Film Studies at Graveney
School. We are delighted to be able to deliver an exciting thorough syllabuses
which ranges from analytical close reading of media texts through to production
of your own creative work.
For the WJEC AS/A2 Course Specification:
Sixth form study is a big step up from GCSE and you will
need to take much more responsibility for your own learning; there is an
enormous amount of ground to cover and lesson time is only sufficient to
deliver the absolute essentials. As a result we have decided to clearly outline
some basic expectations:
Punctual attendance at all lessons is essential.
If there is a good reason why this cannot happen please inform your teacher before the lesson if possible, or, if
not, apologise as soon as possible
and explain the reason for your absence/lateness. If you miss a lesson it is your responsibility to find out from
your colleagues what you missed, photocopy notes and ascertain details of any
work set.
If the teacher is absent from the lesson they
will either set work in the preceding lesson or, if the absence is short
notice, leave instructions with the other teacher. If you have no luck, check this blog or the Film & Media Studies notice board outside Mr Smith’s office.
Meet deadlines and stick to word limits!!
Contribute positively to lessons; it is not a
private chat club and your teachers will not take kindly to you muttering
asides to the person next to you. However, insightful comments, differences of
opinion, another angle, comparisons with other films or media texts are more
than welcome in class discussion and can help you to consolidate your own
Ask questions – especially if you’re not sure
about something.
Feed your interest in film and media. By watching a
range of films or documentaries, reading newspapers or reviews, visiting web sites, talking to each
other about film, TV and other media or even keeping a scrap book will expand you knowledge and understanding of the subject a lot!
Take notes in lessons and from the required
reading prescribed for each section.
Our expectations of ourselves is that we will adequately
prepare you for the coursework and exam elements of this course through
teaching, discussion, marking essays (both homework and timed exam style
essays) and practice papers. As much as possible we will allow you to analyse
film and media which particularly interest you. We intend to facilitate
achievement of your potential in this subject.
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